A Board Game designed by Candice M. Harris

In Rivals of Rock, you are a musician and the leader of an ambitious, hard-working rock band in a small town with an up-and-coming music scene. A world-touring rock festival is coming to your city in a year, and they're looking for one band to headline the festival!

Over the course of three seasons, you will build up your rock band by recruiting and leveling up musicians, rehearsing to gain skills and write songs, and performing your songs at different venues to gain fans, popularity, and other juicy rewards in hopes of gaining more fame than rival bands.When performing gigs, you have to carefully consider which songs to play at different venues based on the rival bands you're competing against and based on what the audience at the venues want to hear.

Rock 'n' roll isn't all sunshine and rainbows, though. You also have to keep an eye on your musicians' needs and maintain a healthy level of band drama compared to rivals. At the end of the game, the leader of the band with the most fame wins!

Core mechanics: Worker Placement + Market Manipulation

Rivals of Rock is currently in development. For updates and/or interest in playtesting please click button below.

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